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The Airbrush Tutorial Experts

Bodypainting Fantasies. The Art of Lothar Pötzl.

Product information "Bodypainting Fantasies. The Art of Lothar Pötzl."

Each of Lothar Pötzl's body paintings is a complete art in itself: Embedded in the self-created or real coulisse, his body art generates a truly complete staging. In particular the artist feels fascinated by the broken and the morbid. However, it is not seldom that his compositions are  abstract, surrealistic and colourful. His occupation as a scene painter provides him with a true treasure trove of materials and inspiration.

In this imaginitive photo volume, Lothar Pötzl presents his work on the topics of material, color, form and humans. His artworks arise intuitively and without layout drafts. The artist himself even takes the photographs to ensure that the aesthetics and beauty of the female body are caught in the picture representing his personal style - sometimes subtle, sometimes provocative.

Softcover, 96 pages, artist: Lothar Pötzl, language: English/German, ISBN: 978-3-941656-00-0

1. Bodypainting Event am Beach in Sömmerda
Am 29. Juni 2024 steigt in Sömmerda zum ersten Mal ein internationales Bodypainting-Event mit 13 Künstler:innen aus Deutschland, Österreich, den Niederlanden und Mexiko.