Help / Support
newart medien & design GbR
Roger + Katja Hassler
Freiherr-vom-Stein-Str. 33
22514 Büchen
Tel. +49 4155 816 2929
Working Hours: Mo-Fr 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (CET)
Choosing your language You can choose whether you like the shop to be displayed in German or English by using the switch in the upper right corner of the page. Please note that the product offer between the German and English shop version may vary. Rummage, virtual shopping cart You have the possibiltiy to surf through our offers in your own time and speed. If you find something interesting, just put in your virtual shopping cart. Therefore you either click on the button „Order now“ in the product overview or on „Add to shopping cart“ in the product description. Of course it is possible to take products out of your shopping cart at any time you want.
Initiate the ordering process
You initiate the ordering process by clicking on the button „View Shopping cart“ in the upper right corner of the page. There you get an overview over your products you want to purchase. At this moment you have the opportunity to erase products from your shopping cart. With the automatic shipping cost calculation you can also see how much you will have to pay for shipping. To move forward in the ordering process, please click on the button „Proceed to checkout“. Here you will be asked to login with your access data or to register as new customer to create your own account.
Error correction
Afterwards your have the opportunity to read the terms and conditions as well as the cancellation instructions, check your bill and shipping address and to check or change your chosen way of payment. Furthermore your can add voucher codes or insert comments to your order as well as add further articles to your list of orders. Also the content of your shopping cart, the cost for shipping and the total costs are displayed again. You can still erase articles or change the number you want. Release an order By clicking on the button „Liable for paying“ your release your order and it will be sent to us. By releasing your order you bindingly declare that you want to purchase the chosen products. Your contractual partner
By placing an order you close a contract with: newart medien & design, Katja + Roger Hassler GbR, Freiherr-vom-Stein-Str. 33, 21514 Büchen, Germany
Conclusion of contract You will be informed upon receipt of your order via email with reference to „Your order“. The acceptance of order is generated automatially and means the acceptance of the contract at the same time.
Wording of the contract The wording of the contract including your order will be saved and upon request will be sent to you together with our general terms and conditions.
Contractual language The language available for conclusion of contract is German. Is the order placed over the English shop interface the wording of the contract is English.Order / contract